Friday, July 24, 2015

Pleated Maxi Skirt

This skirt has 9 pleats.  We will need to do some calculation to figure out how many and how wide the pleats are.

To figure out how wide a pleat should be, simply divide the waist by the number of pleats. For example, someone with waist of 72 cm , which is divided by 9 pleats, the width of a pleat will be 8 cm.

To form a complete pleat, you will need 3 times the width of a pleat we come up with from the above.  Here is a picture.
So the width of the material need for this skirt will be the width of a pleat x 3 x 9, or you can just use the measurement of your waist x 3.  From the example above, it will be 72 x 3 = 216.
Here is the pattern:
Here are the patterns.  Happy sewing.

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