How to enlarge a pattern

1.  Print out the mini pattern.
 2.  Lay out paper you are going to use for making pattern.  ( I used the wrapping paper fro Dollar Tree.)
3.  Starting from the neck part.  Using the suggesting line to help you draw out the neck part.
4.  Draw out shoulder line.
5.  Draw out arm hole.  Divide the suggesting line into three parts to help draw out the curve.
6.  The bottom of the shirt is flare out 4 cm.  Make the angle a right angle.
7.  The  front pattern is done.  Now do the same for the back one.
8.  Before making the sleeve pattern, measure the arm hole or sleeve hole first.
9.  Draw a big cross on the paper. The length of both sleeve holes are the suggesting lines in the picture.  Divide the front part into 4 parts, the back part into 3 to help you draw out the curve.
10.  Measure your arm to get the length of the sleeves and the width of the bottom of the sleeves.
11.  The 2 pictures below show you how to make the pattern of the lining around the neck. This is the from part.  You can figure out the back part.

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